jform Misc
jform uses Oracle® Forms Installation:
There are jform versions for Oracle® Forms 6R1, 6R2, 9i, 10gR1 and 10gR2. Routines which have been written once can be transferred to any other version with the export/import function. The objects or properties not present in one version will then be corrected appropriately. To do this, the routines must be compiled. - jform uses the corresponding TNSNAMES.ORA entries to communicate with the database.
- jform uses the registry entries of the respective Oracle® Forms Installation. When working with jform, ensure that the paths contained in it are also accessible. (FORMS60_PATH, FORMS90_PATH, ...)
- If you are working with special characters (Ü, µ, ...), the appropriate DEVELOPER_NLS_LANG entry must be present.
- jform BEAUTIFY, COMPILE and PERFORM can alter the source code of the Oracle® Form Builder module being edited. Ensure that you have a back-up copy of the module you wish to edit.
- jform operates on MS Windows NT, MS Windows 2000 and MS Windows XP.